Document Manager

The Document Manager makes organizing your electronic documents a breeze. Simply drag and drop Tile Layouts, Blue Prints, Measure Requests or other files from your My Computer window to a Document Manager folder. Document folders can be quickly accessed from the Scheduler and the appropriate Job and Schedule folders will be automatically selected.

Document Manager

You can give documents a group clasification so they can be printed as a batch. You may have one group for the tile phase, and another for the hardwood phase. This is useful when it comes time to print out the installer package (map, workticket, drawings, tile layouts, etc). Each document has a notes field where you can add a detailed description or notes to other co-workers.

There are up to four top level folders used in the document manager:

Shared - Visible at all times (all jobs and all schedules)

Schedule - Each schedule on the schedule board has a unique folder.

Job - Each job, (may be several schedules) has a unique folder. The Carpet and Hardwood schedules would both view the same Job folder.

Templates - The templates folder is used to store blank documents that may be used on jobs or schedules. The Scheduler can be configured to automatically copy and open templates when a new schedule is created. This allows you to extend the schedules to any other application installed on your computer. The Document Manager uses file associations so the correct program is used to open or print each document. An .XLS document for example, is usually opened using Microsoft Excel. Word would be used to open or print a .DOC file.